A Metrosexuals Bathroom Wall
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
You Are Pre-Approved
Yoink. Yes Yoink.

I have been sick/ill/not available for a few days now. I am just here to tell you: "I am back and NO I still won't fix your computer." I get sick turn around and the semester is just gone. I have no idea where the time has gone; however, finals week is next week and then the semester is done.

My plans for summer you ask?

Well, I would like to get a job/internship with a small production company down in the L.A. area as maybe a 1st Asst. Director or Production Asst. or something. All the companies small and large are getting ready for the summer production season to begin(no rain get it?) and are hiring cast and crew feverishly. I like I would like to commute in between northern California and southern California this summer I think that would be fun. You know I would be able to keep on track career wise and still be able to see all the people who I hate on a daily basis, just kidding my dear friends. I will also probably think up more things that I would like to do.

I watched some excellent films when I was sick so now I command you to view them: Boiler Room, One Hour Photo(with robin Williams) and Wall Street. If you haven't seen Wall Street yet, you have been living under some rock somewhere.

Currently topping my lists of songs that I would like to have sex when listening to is "I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace. Cumming in second, you ask? "Gangsta Nation" by West Side Connect Gang (Ice Cubes new group).

So Erin, what is topping the charts of songs that you have already fucked to, you ask?
Simply put: anything by the R&B/Hip-Hop group Baby Bash.

I have just ordered three, yes three, new albums. Diana Krall's Live in Paris which is a jazz album, David Banner's Baptized In Dirty Water a rap album and they gave me some new band by the name of Shinedown from florida's new album Leave A Whisper All of this for $20, that's how the rich stay rich huh?

If you have made it this far I know you are Loyal readers so I will leave you with a trivia question.

Who, What and Where is your Spleen? (Please answer in the Comment Section, Respectfully)

Brought to you by: Erin and The Committee to support The Have You Ever Wanted to Put Your Penis in a Wall Outlet coalition. I make all my readers honor members at no extra charge. Charge, get it; Charge? Go Jump in a Lake.


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