A Metrosexuals Bathroom Wall
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
May I Bore You More Sir?
I can't seem to understand this I have quite a few hits while the comments that are left are not existent; they don't exist. Lets have some commenting people.

I have done just that. I am once again heavily writing poetry. I have also started to write in rap, which contrary to what people believe is easier than slicing sliced bread. I would post a small piece of what I write up here; however, I don't think that I would like to do that right now. Now, it is not because of a lack of confidence. I walked around an entire day in just my boxers and the fly thing on the front didn't even have any kind of closure. I was precariously position and was hoping that I wouldn't flash an old lady when walking down the street.

I did get a few crotch looks from rather attractive chicks though. Always a plus.

Well blogger fucked me over again crapping out and deleting half my post on a reload and I am to tired to continue this charred. I had some good stuff written down too.

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