A Metrosexuals Bathroom Wall
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
Fuck Dis an Fuck Dat, Get Da Fuck Back
Weird, I haven't blogged since March 31st. I just don't have any time and I haven't been in the mood.

If any of my readers have seen "A Beautiful Mind" they will remember the scene at the beginning of the film when Nash (Crow) states that he doesn't go to class because it doesn't leave him any time to come up with his "original thought." The very same idea can be applied to my life at this very moment; I have no time at all to do anything that is enjoyable. I have no time for creativity, I have no time to think.

I think I am very similar to christ in that I must suffer for others sins. Now I am not usually a religious person so this is weird coming out of my mouth. I dabble in all religions not a one single one, but that is beside the point.

I have seen that when I am happy, enjoying myself, expressing creativity and generally having a positive outlook on life everyone else around me is having a horrible time, nothing is going right for them and they generally feel rotten. However, when ever anyone else starts expressing semi-long bursts of pleasure, I begin to feel bad and everything unravels in my life, thus I must suffer.

on a humorous note I think people are addicted to sex. I know I have said it before but I really think it is true. Oh did i mention it is fun? Well it is. It most defiantly is.

I also think that people are addicted to talking about sex. You know on the off chance that they are not having it at that exact moment.

Hmm. Lets see in the music department I have a quiz in Music 12 tomorrow which I should really be preparing for, but whatever I have all night right? I am currently listening to (not addicted, yet) Frank Sinatra, Suzanne Vega (okay I am addicted to her), and the Usual suspects (Nickelback - Someday, Evanscence - My Immortal and of course Toxic). I also just heard some song by Beoncye Knowles (or however you spell her name) that I think is sexy I think it is called "Sexy."

I have learned about a potential directing opportunity some acting people would like to make a very very very small movie. One of the people in the group asked if I would like to get involved. I am still working on getting a camera all it takes is the excess cash. Oh believe me it is coming.

Fucking ASCR finally told me I would get the money for the newspaper website. Shit it took a long fucking time. Anyway that is still a possibility of making something mediocre before the semester is over. Such potential just wasted. Fuck me, people are incompetent.

woohoo, I took it out for a spin today and I have been missing driving it. The wind in my hair, the little rice boys dropping like flies, yah they were choking on my dust, well actually my exhaust and my dust. It was fun.

Darrel met K. Well not actually met just talked (I didn't introduce them). Yah that's all I have to say on K at this time.

I don't really have anything else to say; remember that lapse in creativity? Yah it is plaguing me.

Brought to you by: Erin and The Committee to Promote Bureaucracy. The antichrist to creativity.

Note: For the people how can't seem to find the comments button it is right next to my name to the right of the time the post was posted.

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