A Metrosexuals Bathroom Wall
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Foiled, Oh the Whorer
Remember the blonde? The one from Music 12? Let me tell you the tale. SO today I was in my music class being preached Louis Armstrong and Jelly Roll Morton information like there was no tomorrow. I am looking around for that blonde chick so I could make some headway. If you remember I thought she was mildly hot. Anyway, I didn't see her till later in the class when she came in late and sat next to me.
The Bad part:
After class I engaged her in conversation, something about some movie list or something. I don't really remember, that was just an "ice breaker" if you know what I mean. So, we are chatting about different class stuff (boring). I come to find out: she has a boyfriend. Lame, Lame, Lame. Oh and her boyfriend is in a band. Manic, ha, local crap.
Now it just seems like to much work for me. Taking someone's girlfriend from them takes a lot of time and energy. I can't spare that much, not for her at least. Don't get me wrong, I CAN, HAVE and WILL, steal girlfriends from people it just takes time and energy.
2% of visitors to my blog are Running a Macintosh based Operating System.
1% of my traffic is from Norway.
Okay so the blonde is out. How about a little brunette on the menu? There is this mildly attractive chick in my Journalism 5 class. Haven't engaged in conversation yet; but now is a good of a time as any right? She wears sandals all the time and has a funky little toe ring on her middle toe…kinda cute.
My favorite statement that I have heard in the recent past was spoken by a dear friend of mine. We were speaking about the amount of sexual partners that each of us had uh…fucked. So she blurts out:
"Do women count?"
I responded, "are you kidding me? Women count as two!" Oh did I mention I think women fucking each other are hot? Well they are. Don't like women fucking each other? Well then you need to go have your head examined. It is some seriously sensual shit.
I think I might have to get onto the band wagon and spruce up this little blog here. Maybe a little paint and a boost controller and some PHP and ASP scripting, that will teach you people to hide your IP addresses better.
Wow, I am popping up all over the internet. I am having quite a few search engines link to me.
2nd on AOL Search for my use of Beoncye Knowles:
5th on Google for Bidibodi Bidibu:
#1 on Google for “what was called "F & U" in the film mother.”
5th on Google for "Don't Go Making Phony Calls":
And I am getting a huge amount of hits from Jaeger’s site. Thanks Babe.
Those are sites that people have clicked through to get to my page. I am listed on other search engines around, but I guess I am not getting referrals from them, yet.
Brought to you by: Erin and The Fingerlicking Goodness of a Women Near You. Mhhm tastes like chicken.