A Metrosexuals Bathroom Wall
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
Which Way is The Highway?
A friend of mine once said, "If I ever get depressed, it will be because, in this world without a purpose or meaning, I didn't do what I wanted to do when I had the chance." I think this is beyond profound and should be accredited to the writer. Darrel your statement was profound. Enough affirmation of your ego yet? No, well that can't be fixed now.

When studying this statement we find that everyone has had this feeling of, "oh shit I should have just gone for it." Most people just haven't been able to find the correct words to express it so eloquently. I think now that it, the statement, has been released to the world I will begin to follow it down to the T. It will definitely aid me the crazy thing I am always yammering on about: the "connection." I have found that about 75% of the time I am not doing what I actually wanted to when I had the chance and it seems that I am losing out, which I am.

I would now like to pose a question. Is it possible? Could one drop out of life? I have no Idea if it is possible, but much like dropping a class or dumping a women it seems that it is a very possible and maybe would be quite effective, if used correctly that is. I have yet to investigate this possibility and in the many weeks ahead of me I shall delve deep into the inner workings of this idea.

unfortunately, it seems that all my posts this week have had a semiquaspsuedo dismal tone. Why such the cynicism you ask? Possibly for the fun of it, I have no idea. Ask Sigmund Freud he might know, then again he was a fascist, wacko, pervert. Okay, the pervert part may be okay, however the rest of Freud's attributes are not satisfactory for me.

In related news in this beautiful county of ours, my friend Paul's birthday is coming up on Friday. On a normal occasion this would probably be a joyous event; however, it is a high possibility that I will be subjected to the horrors, terrors and the unintelligence (that is putting it lightly) of a certain Fatass. Oh well, there is always the possibility he will fall off a cliff right? A very high cliff, with sharp rocks and stuff at the bottom. It is also Ben's birthday on Friday, at least we are celebrating it on Friday.

On the subject of Fatass that large, rotund, piece of shit has fucked me over so many times. Most of the "fucked over" times include me lending him money and him never paying it back or that Fatass braking my stuff; cars, lamps, gym equipment, the works. He pissed me off so much that a few months, actually many months, ago I told him in not so many words, "fuck off." In actuality I just never called him back. Haha, sucks to be him.

This post seems have too many unrelated topics within it. I think that in the future I will attempt to us one blog per topic or at least not free associate that often.

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