A Metrosexuals Bathroom Wall
Saturday, March 06, 2004
Meet My Meter
No, not my "magic stick." My new site meter, check it out at the bottom of the page and see who has been skulking around my beautiful paradise. In similar updates to my blog layout: I should have some new links and maybe some more nifty features as soon as the monkey in my bathroom finishes coding them. Code monkey code.

Okay, now lets speak about my figurative "magic stick." I have been kicking ass at HealthSport and in three months I will be tearing them up. I am quickly increasing my weights and I am feeling awesome. It is great I even got hit on by a trainer and I am not even huge, muscle wise. I wasn't expecting getting hit on by hot trainer chicks until I was larger; you know because I thought they liked all huge Vin Diesel types, they are personal trainers you know.

Brought to you by: Erin and The Committee to Regulate Oral Sex. In our favor guys.


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