A Metrosexuals Bathroom Wall
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
How it All Works
It seams that my computer is still somewhat malfunctioning. It is kinda screwy..I don't really know what is wrong yet. At least I got it running again, those hours hunched over my keyboard are still worth something huh?

The semester is coming to an end; I think there are about 5 and 1/2 more weeks left in the semester...Thank god. Summer plans anyone? It is now time to batten down the hatches and ride out the storm. For me that means no more slacking off and starting to put some real attention into school. Last semester I didn't do shit and I got a 3.00 so hopefully this semester, I did Some work I promise, I hope I will have at least a 3.8. Yay for GPA bolstering.

I don't really have time to write a long Blog so I will try to keep it short; I really should be studying for midterms and all.


I had an amazing thought and have just acquired an excellent money making idea and I am in the process of implementing it. Also, I am still feeling under the weather, making it hard to want to do things.

Earlier today I had an interesting conversation with Honi (I see her Mondays and Wednesday only). She seems to think that women are more creative than men and what ensued was a mock argument (at least on my end) about sexism and gender bias. I thought it was mildly fun and mildly amusing.


I have reorganized my petition thingee and have hired a couple of people to "help" me. Really they will be just getting people to sign the petitions for an hourly wage. This allows me to keep all the "profits." I am being paid by the signature, so more for me. Don't we all like growth?


I really should be doing other things so I will leave you with a simple explanation...

"If I hadn't done any of the things I have done in my lifetime, would I have not influenced millions of people."

Remember everything is cyclical.

Brought to you by: Erin and The Committee to Promote Weight Loss Programs for Americans. Did you know that over 81% of Americans are overweight or obese? Fucking Fatasses! I'm glad I am not in that 81 percent.

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