A Metrosexuals Bathroom Wall
Monday, March 01, 2004
Chew on this Clunky
First POST, First Post. Okay, I guess I am a geek; however I did get the first post at least on this bathroom wall of the Internet. Well I am at a loss for words. I finally found my friend Darrel's Blog; needless to say it was interesting. I was mentioned quite a few times. I feel my head swelling already (not that one you anaphylactic little mushroom). He has some interesting scrawlings on his little wall of the Internet, to say the least.

Wow, all I can say, on a completely different topic, is I miss Brooke. I don't know where she has disappeared to; I hope she isn't sick again. I haven't seen her in like two weeks and I am beginning to have that interesting outlook on life that one gets when they are away from their love..er...friend. [We try to stay away from words like that; they often fuck us over in the end.] But really now, you all know Brooke and if you don’t you should. She is awesome, Vegan just like me.

Still working on The Redwood-Times paper. I hope to have it out soon as soon as I can get a core group of people who are interested. This paper thing is taking up a lot of my time; if I am not able to find some other people who are interested i might have to reevaluate its effectiveness.

But now your asking "I thought this was about sex? or something that sounded like sex." It is and I will get to that hopefully in later posts, cranial power permitting. I will treat you to a twisted web of friend’s sisters and their crazy fathers, on second thought maybe not. Maybe I should tell you about missed opportunities…damn you father time (oh am I a patriarchal or what).


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