A Metrosexuals Bathroom Wall
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Anachronism at Its Best
It seems that whenever I should be writing a speech I am writing a Blog. This Blog post is displaced out of the chronological placement of time and thus its name.

This is in response to certain events that transgressed Friday of last week and Monday of this week. I just don't understand some people’s misguided and misshapen ethical views. You people might think that the issues I am responding to are trivial; however, they are not.

March 12, 2004

I have been "invited" to my friend’s dual birthday parties. In my circle we combine birthdays that occur in the same month, I think it is a type of copout.

It is probably really based on the fact that most of us don't really care about when or who's birthday it is and we are just to spineless to tell everyone about our little problem.

Anyway, my friends told me that they wanted me to be present at their collective birthdays and that we would do X amount of stuff. Well to open the fucker up with a bang, we are scheduled to begin reveling at 2:00PM; however, people have issues and decide to start early. They call me mid-revel to say "we will either be at Los bagels or Crosswinds so come find us at one of those." I am thinking to my self "no we didn't have plans at a certain time, lets just fuck up the entire schedule." "Sounds good to me."

So now you’re thinking, "okay Erin that doesn't sound too bad they just don't give a shit about plans." There is more so get ready.

Once I found them at Los Bagels, I was reminded that we were going to spend the day with one of the people who I hate the most. You have heard of him, his name is Fatass. The reason we are going to hangout with him? It is HIS birthday too. Does anyone remember what my friends did on my birthday? Jack Shit. Did they even remember what day was? fuck NO. 50% of the friends that know him dislike him.

Now I am faced with the fact that my friends are complete fucking assholes who care more about a stupid fat fuck who they obviously dislike and put down at every opportunity, than me. But that's the way it goes huh? Maybe a change in scenery would help. Moving anyone?

Well I decide that this Fatass plan is complete bullshit, and for the first time in a long while I am completely honest with my friends. Amazing isn't it? I tell them that hanging out with Fatass is fucking bullshit and that I hope he dies, I also told them what I outlined in the above paragraph about my birthday and all. Unfortunately they didn't really care. So I was forced, if I wanted to hangout, to deal with the situation like an adult; just not talk to the fat fuck at all. The Silent treatment. I attempted to get my other friend to do it and he broke down the first five minutes we were around the little bitch. *shakes my head* The incompetence.

There is more that happened on this day; however, it doesn't really relate to my topic so...Another time perhaps.

March 15, 2004

I am driving back from SacTown in the big ass van, when who should call but my friend Darrel. They reception was bad and I didn't really know why he called. However, I did find out, when I asked if he wanted me to stop by on my way home, that he was cooking with Paul (One of the ones with the birthday on the 12th). Funny no invitation, this didn't really surprise me though. As it is with cellphones being used in the middle of the redwoods, our connection was lost and I was not able to call him back until about 9:30 when we got into Eureka. So, while I am driving home in my car I gave him a call at home and left a message on his machine; I also called his pager and paged him.

Lets flash forward to me having been home for about 30 minutes. I get a call from Darrel saying "Hey me and Paul didn't decide to cook, instead, he brought over some crew team people and we are hanging out." We banter for a few minutes and Darrel makes the ending-the-conversation-comment "so I am going to retire." I then retort with "okay whatever," I don't think he caught the disdain in my voice though. Once again did anyone see an offer of invitation? I didn't.

March 17, 2004

I have just read a certain person's Blog posting and it gave me that last kick in the pants to write this post. Through reading the Blog I have found out that they actually had a "party" of sorts. Thanks Guys. I now know that I can't seem to rely on anyone to have any sense of decency.

On a side note, I am tired of people calling me when they are bored. I m not talking about people when they are bored calling you up and asking if you want to do something. No I am talking about people who are in between studying sessions and call you up to "chat" and then mid-chat go " oh I have to go and do more homework, bye." Surprisingly I have actually been told "okay it past my bed time, I have to get up early for crew," in one sentence, and "I am going to give him a call later tonight." When confronted the person on the other side of the phone just laughed and said "yah I just didn't want to talk to you anymore." I think the meaning of this story is I need a whole new group of core friends.


I am again using speech time to nurse my inferior human psyche. If only we were all higher beings, right? I am going to try to write this speech for tomorrow (I haven’t started yet) and I will leave my readers with a little food for thought.

If readers are leaders why is our President a bumbling idiot with an IQ of 85?

It makes you think doesn't it?

Brought to you by: Erin and The Committee to Promote Knowledge in Schools.


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