A Metrosexuals Bathroom Wall
Monday, March 22, 2004
ah an idea hits
I have just had the formation of a very interesting potential idea. It is astounding the timing of these things. If you have the same small piece of an idea come popping into your repeatedly does that mean it is time to take it seriously? I thinks so. Also is the dot.com dead?

I am currently addicted to Metallica's Unforgiven II. Okay, I am probably addicted to other musical choices as well, namely toxic; however, I really would not like to go into that at this moment.

Fuck those Israeli fucks, and their Jewish religion to boot. Read about what they did here.

I probably wouldn't have wrote a blog at this hour even though I am awake, but the Israeli's really pissed me off and I got that great buisness opportunity idea. I had to share it with someone and everyone I know is asleep.

expect something about naked people coming soon. I will be doing heavy research on this topic in the upcoming week.

Brought to you by: Erin and paid for by the kindness of Google's advertising dollars. Oh and my blood, sweat and tears.

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